Lion's Gate New Moon


Wow, I hardly know where to begin. I have so much to write, I think I should set forth some business up front. The August Full Moon circle this month (open to all) will be on Sunday, August 22nd at 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern Time. I'm also going to start offering a women's Venus Gate gathering, which will begin this month on Wednesday, August 11th, also at the 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern Time. The Venus Gates will be focused on the cycles of Venus and the manifestation of Divine Feminine consciousness, beauty and abundance in our lives.

Okay, now for my best attempt to summarize a huge array of astrological and other influences upon us as we stand at the threshold of the "harvest" time of this pivotal year. Today's New Moon at 16 degrees Leo falls on a day that is usually associated with the annual "Lion's Gate" event. This event, marked since ancient times, is actually the morning rising of the brightest of stars, Sirius, which has associations with creativity, expansion and achievement. Some consider this window of time a "portal", ushering in new levels of consciousness each year that can open hearts and third eye chakras. It's an auspicious day for a New Moon, and it turns out the star's rising actually occurs this year on this exact day, 8/8, bringing in a numerological layer of meaning if you are into that. The numerology of 8 begins with an association with infinity.

Now, this might all be interesting by itself, but the New Moon also trines a point in the sky called The Great Attractor (14 degrees Sagittarius). The Great Attractor is currently understood to be a black hole at the center of our supercluster of galaxies, Laniakea. Our little Milky Way and about 100,000 other galaxies are hurtling at unthinkable speeds toward this massive "portal?" to who knows where. The astrological meaning of The Great Attractor derives from its astronomical role, so its influence is said to draw us inexorably toward our destiny.

The strongest Solar System aspects to the New Moon are a trine to Chiron in Aries and a square to Uranus in Taurus. Chiron in Aries has been in an ongoing harmonious relationship with both the North Node in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius for months now, emphasizing the potential for healing in chart after chart. This influence will be sustained for only a few more weeks, so if there's healing you know needs to happen, make the most of this lunar cycle to access Chiron's support. Before I go on to discuss the aspect to Uranus and the month ahead, here's the chart for the New Moon (Eastern and Pacific Time):

As I mentioned, the other significant aspect to the New Moon is its square to Uranus in Taurus. The New Moon in this position marks the final, illuminating, personal planet emphasis on the Saturn/Uranus square, the hallmark astrological influence of 2021. Uranus, The Great Awakener, is doubly highlighted this month as he is also slowing down to enter his long retrograde phase on August 20th. I see this month as a transformational pivot point for a lot of people. In some ways we are currently in the kind of vice grip of tension and challenge that precedes a major breakthrough.

Significantly, the New Moon chart also contains a Yod configuration from Pluto in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces to Mercury in Leo. The Yod configuration is associated with fated events and turning points. With Mercury at its apex, the turning point pertains to how we think and communicate and relate to information, and with Neptune and Pluto involved, transformation is inevitable. Mercury will oppose Jupiter, now back in Aquarius, on the 10th, just to amplify the potential of the Yod throughout the collective. I expect a domino effect of breakthroughs to show up.

Once Uranus goes retrograde, we enter a 2 month period in which all of the outer planets, as well as influential dwarf planets Eris and Chiron, are retrograde. That situation really turns the transformational energy inward. The breakthrough potential hits its high point with the Full Moon this month on the 22nd, the second of 2 Full Moons in Aquarius, at the final degree of the sign, no less. Culmination, culmination, culmination of awakening, awakening, awakening. Five days later, the goddess of discord, Eris, reaches an exact square to Pluto, the 4th of 5 squares that began in January of 2020. This highlights the conflicts between personal interest and self-regard and collective power and authority. As an aside to all of the above, I will throw in that there has been and continues to be an enormous amount of solar activity, as well as unprecedented readings of the Earth's Schumann resonance.

As I look forward, I suspect many people will break through to new levels of consciousness as this month progresses. This isn't easy-peasy rainbows and butterflies breakthrough, unfortunately, but there is enormous potential in this moment for profound and life-changing realization. September and early October will be a time of integration, and then, in mid-October 4 planets go direct, and it will be time to implement real change in light of the realizations available now. Saturn and Uranus have begun to separate for a few months and will reach a separation of over 7 degrees by the end of September, which will ease the extreme tension that this provocative influence has brought to our lives this year. The tension will return in December and again in the fall of 2022, so the excitement is not quite over, but we might get a chance for an in-breath and some regrouping.

I hope that you will be able to join me for the month's events and that you will make the most of these amazing and challenging times.

Love and blessings, Rosemary


Fear of fated failure